What’s New in LiveWhale 2.8.0

This minor release includes updated default gallery behaviors, new Twitter meta tagging possibilities, and a number of bug fixes.

Enhancements and fixes to the default gallery

LiveWhale 2.0.0 introduced a new default gallery type that gets used on the details view for any event, profile, news story, or blurb. Having now worked with it “in the wild” on a few of your upgrades, this release includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements to that functionality.

New option: format_single_image

One small (but consequential) change is the addition of a new configuration format_single_image to the default gallery type. In LiveWhale 2.8.0, when you attach only one image to an event, story, or profile, the lightweight formatting from format_single_image is used instead of all of the markup from format and format_widget; it also skips loading the slideshow’s script and stylesheet. Note, this is optional—you can always copy the default gallery to your global theme if you’d like different behavior.

Overriding default gallery settings on a per-template basis

We’ve also clarified the interaction between details template settings and the default gallery—the idea being, your site-wide default gallery (for events, or profiles, say) might use a 300x300 square image, but for your news.php template you maybe want a 800x600 banner image. The docs now contain examples of how to customize the image width and height on per-template basis. You can also customize format_single_image this way—for example, maybe you include the image caption on news stories, but not profiles or events.

Fixes to image sizes

This release also includes a number of fixes to how thumbnail and image sizes are calculated on details page galleries, especially those that calculate width and height based on <arg id=”thumb_width”>auto</arg> or <arg id=”thumb_height”>auto</arg>. If you want to have your details templates include a complete image without cropping, using =auto on one of those settings can help restore that behavior from LiveWhale 1.7.1 and before.

As always, if you are preparing to upgrade and have any questions about the default gallery or how images are appearing on your site, feel free to reach out to support.

Additional Twitter meta-tagging

By request, LiveWhale 2.8.0 adds support for Twitter meta tags in LiveWhale powered pages and content (og:title, og:description, and og:image will be included also as twitter:title, twitter:description, twitter:image). These were already provided to Twitter via og: metatags, but now LiveWhale will override site-wide twitter meta tags that might be included in your theme with specific information about current page or content.

Behavior adjustments

  • Fixed an issue where adding or saving a group wouldn’t always immediately clear the cached toolbar group switcher for all users.
  • Fixed an issue where group=me was erroneously set as the default for new LiveWhale Calendar and Storyteller widgets.


  • Fixed an issue where hiding repeating instances from an events widget, along with returning additional optional fields, could cause results to be inconsistent over repeat requests for the same data.
  • Fixed an issue where certain accented characters could be ignored in frontend calendar group configurations.
  • Fixed a WYSIWYG bug that truncated some field data when mousing over the field on page load.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause format args to erroneously be removed from image widgets when credits or captions contained single quoted content.
  • Fixed an obscure bug which could cause certain shorthand XPHP vars to not be parsed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the header HTML tag from being used in a format arg from the widget editor.
  • Fixed an issue where certain non-publishers would not see their content listed in the backend manager.
  • Fixed a duplicate ID on the Edit User page that could affect custom scripting or styling.
  • Fixed pagination in panel used to display content items such as images, widgets, and files when inserting those types into a page or editor.
  • LiveWhale CMS Only
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Insert > Content layout from working when moving between editable areas of a page.
    • Fixed an issue where CSS classes applied to an inline widget format could be inadvertently removed when editing via the WYSIWYG editor.

Developer options

  • Added support for removing a variable from all nodes at once [docs].


  • Improved performance with a weekly cleanup of the database widget cache.
  • Updated internal API requests so they use JSON API v2.
  • Updated the JSON5 NPM submodule to fix a vulnerability identified by NPM audit.
  • Renamed “Weather ID” to “Weather Code” on the Edit Group page since some browsers were seeing “ID” in the label and auto-filling usernames in that field.

Release date: January 27, 2023

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